
Weather workshop

Loren and I met to make a lesson plan for our first workshop at Inkwell. The theme is weather and we are going to show attendees how to make weather mobiles and pinwheels. We don’t know how to make either of these things yet, but think they look really effective with minimum resources used to create them.

We talked about all the weather related ideas we had collated on Pinterest, and worked through how each could be adapted to suit different abilities or different timescales, plus how it could be personalised so it engages participants more.

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We decided we needed a day in the studio making templates and testing them, plus making some samples to show participants and ‘sell’ the workshop to them. Some ideas that we rejected for people to make, we thought could still be used, like the large rain cloud – we thought we could make it and use it to advertise the workshop in the space and describe what it is we are doing. We have divided the tasks and I’m going to sort out the pinwheels and the resources we need to make them, and Loren is going to make the mobile templates.

It was really good to work with someone else to pull this together as we each have different skills and we are able to be critical of each others ideas to develop the best workshop we can. It also gives me more confidence in deciding if things are achievable or not. Plus, it halves the workload!

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